Down Memory Lane whenever  one goes,

One should look out through open windows ,

As I sit here writing a poem now,

These Windows assist me ,I know not how.

The crow’s nest on that beautiful birch tree

Constantly keeps appealing to me.

Through these Windows do I see

That every living thing is really ‘Born Free’

The soft Breeze incessantly enriches my mind,

As my thoughts to these Windows I bind.

The blue sky and the clouds through these Windows I see,

And think of myself and my Blurred destiny.

As I shut my eyes and help my thoughts brew,

I realise these are Windows too.

With them I concentrate on my goal

And  pave the path to it within my soul.

In this world whatever I love to see ,

My eyes help store them within me .

Then I think of modern technology,

Where ‘surfing’ is child’s play with Windows XP,

Computers to the world are Windows now;

 To their efficiency we all bow.

 In this world of anger and strife ,

All pleasurable moments are Windows to a new life.

Life to me, as this poem goes,

Is nothing but full of open Windows!
