Report of



(July 7, 2023)


CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) conducted a remarkable event in Kolkata on 7th July, 2023. The program is intended to promote scientific temper among school students and encourage them to learn the progress of different scientific domains through different activities, including popular lectures, live interactive sessions with CGCRI Scientists working in different technologically important fields, showcasing CGCRI advanced technology for the country’s needs, the virtual platform created for students, etc.

Around 315 students, along with their teachers from 6 schools (Kendriya Vidyalaya, Fort William, Jodhpur Park Boys High School, Jodhpur Park Girls School, Kamla Girls, Baghajatin High School, and Harinavi DVAS School) participated in this Vigyan Jyoti program.


Welcome Address by the Director :

Honorable Director of CSIR-CGCRI, Dr. Mrs. Suman Kumari Mishra, Chief Scientist,  inaugurated the program by highlighting the purpose of the CSIR-Jigyasa program.

Importance of Jigyasa Program:

Mr. Sitendu Mandal, Chief Scientist & Head, Specialty Glass Division and Jigyasa Nodal CSIR-CGCRI, in his lecture, highlighted the importance of different discoveries by eminent Indian scientists, Indian woman scientists and how they have established themselves in the field of modern science to encourage the young students present in the auditorium as well as highlighted different initiatives taken by CGCRI Jigyasa team.

Address by the Dignitaries:

Mr. Siddhartha Dey, Administrative Officer, Mr. Anjani Pandey, Stores & Purchase Officer, and Mr. Duryodhan Sethi, Controller of Finance and Accounts, in their brief interaction with students, encouraged them by highlighting important ancient Indian discoveries, some CSIR discoveries that are still relevant in our daily life. These deliberations will surely motivate the students to take up challenging career as scientist who dreams to develop a new product that will be beneficial for general people of India and place our country to a newer height.

Lectures and Demonstrations:

As the program “Vigyan Jyoti” is a CSIR JIGYASA initiative and the main goal is to encourage students and help them to interact with scientists directly, a popular talk was organized, where Dr. Mukul Chandra Paul, Chief Scientist, Fiber Optics & Photonics Division interacted with students and enlightened them through his lecture entitled “Optical fiber: A pillar of modern civilization”. This lecture was followed by demonstrations from the Functional Materials and Devices Division, where different sensor technology like moisture sensor, piezoelectric sensor, and sensors for diabetic detection was demonstrated, explaining the basic principle utilized along with product developed by CGCRI.

Next, the activity of the Membrane Separation Technology Division was presented, highlighting the different technology developed by CGCRI for quality control of drinking water using ceramic membranes and the product developed therefrom. Afterward, from the Specialty Glass Division, different types of glass, namely laser glass, bullet-proof glass, and borosilicate glass, were demonstrated by showing videos with particular emphasis on their general principle of preparation and special uses.

Lastly, scientists from the Bio Ceramics and Coating Divisions interacted with students and demonstrated different orthopedic, dental, and maxillofacial implants products and their basic working principles.

Finally, Dr. Prasanta Kr. Sinha, Sr. Principal Sct. of Advanced Materials & Chemical Characterization Division and Jigyasa Co-Nodal introduced virtual laboratory platform developed by CSIR to the students and demonstrated how to use these modules to learn different scientific activities.


A quiz competition and the distribution of prizes for correct answers were conducted for the participating students, a lively program that the students enjoyed a lot.

Closing Ceremony:

Finally, the program ended with the distribution of certificates with brief comments from teachers and students of different schools. The teachers from different schools expressed their appreciation for conducting this one-day program full of scientific events which will surely inspire the young minds. We could all feel the excitement in the air when the students appeared in the dias and expressed their utter happiness and contentment over the day’s program. This whole-day program was a notable event for youngsters interested in science and research as they witnessed some of the country’s best minds in front of them.

 Group Photo:

All Scientists and officials of the CSIR-CGCRI JIGYASA Team in a single frame during CSIR-CGCRI JIGYASA 2.0 VIGYAN JYOTI PROGRAM held on Friday 7th July 2023 at CSIR-CGCRI, KOLKATA (CENTRAL GLASS & CERAMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KOLKATA)
